Submission of personal income and wealth tax returns for 2023

The period for the submission of Personal Income and Wealth Tax Returns…

The celebration of marriage before a Notary

When it comes to getting married, many couples are unaware of or do not…

Minority shareholders and their rights in a limited liability company

The term “partnership” is defined as a contract between two or more…

New Temporary Solidarity Tax on Large Fortunes

New Temporary Solidarity Tax on Large Fortunes In the last plenary…

Andalusia reduces personal income tax payments and gives a 100% rebate on wealth tax

Among the newspaper headlines dealing with items such as inflation,…

The resignation of the sole director

The Capital Companies Act provides that the administration of the…

Form 720 for the financial year 2021: you are still on time to file it

The deadline for filing Form 720 for the 2021 tax year is 31 March……

Share IPOs and liability for prospectus content

Since the flotation of Bankia, S.A. (now CaixaBank, S.A.) and the…

Phantom shares: an atypical legal figure lacking regulation in our legislation

Phantom Shares are a modern system of variable remuneration for company…

The action of contractual nullity due to error of consent derived from the urban development status

Have you received a lawsuit after the sale of a property? This is sure to be…

The partner's right of withdrawal: rulings of 15 January, 2 and 9 February 2021

Introduction The rulings of the Supreme Court (1st Civil Chamber) of 15…

Aplication of the rebus sic stantibus clause in leases relating to commercial premises

Clearly, the health and economic crisis that we are living through is…

When partners become rivals in the corporate framework

At the beginning of any “corporate adventure”, it is sometimes forgotten…

What you should know about deadlines when renting a property (and not have to regret it)

In these times of health, labor and economic uncertainty, it is more…

Can the marketing of trademarked products by third parties be controlled?

In a freely competitive market, the trademark serves the entrepreneur to…

Business executives will have a privileged status with Brexit

Within Brexit EU and UK have chosen to end the free movement of people…

In January do not forget to submit the Form ETE and the Model D-6

Probably at the beginning of the year, you are still quietly enjoying…