New Technologies

Digital Law and Advice on Information Technologies

At Ventura Garcés we are prepared for the challenges that our society faces on a daily basis from advancing technologies. Against this ever-changing background, our lawyers ensure that their knowledge of the legal regulations governing new technologies is continually updated. We offer comprehensive advice and innovative solutions in response to all of the issues that businesses may encounter in the area of technology.

E-commerce and Cybersecurity

We advise our clients on all the legal aspects relating to electronic trading and cybersecurity. We manage online contracting processes and act in disputes involving domain names and trademarks. We also analyse and advise on the protection of website rights.


Ventura Garcés offers legal advice on the development, consolidation and protection of digital infrastructure for businesses. We help them to improve their technological operations and move forward in a strategic way in order to guarantee effective systems that comply with all the legal regulations in force.

Technology Contracts

We offer advice on all types of technological agreements and contracts: software licenses, source code deposit contracts (escrow), licensing agreements and the assignment of exploitation rights, contracts for commissioning computer program development and technological outsourcing and maintenance projects, among others. We have extensive experience in advising companies that operate over the Internet, advising on the drafting of contracts and ensuring compliance with the extensive regulations that apply to the sector.